When: Sunday 26 March at 5:30am
Where : Youth Park
Distances : 8km and 26km
Results of 26km (actual distance 25.8km)
Men................................................. 2010 ..... 2009 ....... 2008
1:56:41 - Peter Chong Jian Li
2:04:37 - Andrew Loh Lean Hock.. 2:35:08 .... 2:29:19
2:04:54 - Liew Chien Sioen........... 1:57:27 ..... 2:10:39
2:09:33 - Choo Gim Chuan
2:11:47 - Wong Jin Ji ..................... 2:11:50
2:24:14 - Wong Lai Huat .............. 2:25:05
2:25:50 - Loh Ewe Chin ............... 2:38:22
2:27:20 - Choong Ji Ziang
2:30:13 - Eric Lim Tzu Yiang
2:33:04 - Lee Chun How
2:38:38 - Loh Poh Khim
2:39:58 - Chee Wee Man ............. 2:53:24...... 3:05:08
2:43:36 - Kelvin Tharm Wai Weng 3:29:32
2:45:41 - Francis Khor Hock Thye 2:46:04
2:52:52 - Nicholas Hung Chin Wei
2:53:47 - Cheng Siew Seng
2:56:02 - Hu Diong Young
2:56:39 - Choo Cheng Liang .......... 3:10:07 .... 2:40:36 ...... 2:30:07
3:05:36 - Saw Ewe Jin .................... 3:00:51
3:08:10 - Nicol Ch'ng Yu Wei
2:09:11 - Ng Sun Nee ................... 2:21:15 ....... 2:25:39
2:20:44 - Ch'ng Lay Khim ............. 2:14:01 ...... 2:27:59 ...... 2:23:17
2:22:48 - Ewe Bee Hong
2:25:56 - Karen Geh Cheng Hoon 2:27:39
2:27:41 - Tan Lee Hooi
2:29:27 - Wong Hooi Cheow .......... 2:35:58
2:35:08 - Ch'ng Lay Hooi
2:46:17 - Lee Heng Keat
2:47:10 - Denise Peh Bee Leng .... 2:45:11
2:56:19 - Gan Hoay Woon ............ 3:10:59 ....... 3:22:00
2:58:53 - Chung Mei Ling ............ 3:01:20
2:59:06 - Teng Hooi Kean ............ 2:46:12 ....... 2:56:24
3:02:44 - Gan Hoay Jen ............... 2:46:11
3:22:27 - Lim Miow Chin
Please click here and click here for photo albums courtesy of Mei Ling
Please click here and click here for photo albums courtesy of Eric Lim
Please click here and click here for photo albums courtesy of Chai Har
This event was marked by an ugly controversial incident which saw a new participant from Australia Miss Taliah Daniels being deprived of her 5th podium placing. Below is an excerpt of her article of her plight in her facebook site :
I (Taliah Jane Daniels Bib D543) ran the 26km Malakoff Marathon from START to FINISH with an official “CHIP TIME” that was 36 seconds faster than Miss Serina Ong Chin Im, Bib E650.
Due to the fact that I was kind and polite enough to allow Ms Serina Ong Chin Im Bib E650 a 1 minute and 10 second head start on “GUN TIME”, she receives the official 5th place (wearing a category E Bib) in the category D section based on “GUN TIME, not on “CHIP TIME.”
I quote Melody Tan, Race Director Malakoff 26km. “CHIP TIMES are for runners personal interest only.” I was also informed (after the race and I had been handed my 5th place getters card by the official on the day)… “If I wish to be competitive next year, I need to stand closer to the start line.”
“All Official Protests should be made on race day in writing with a deposit.” – Quote Melody Tan, Race Director.
Why was I only just informed of the above statement on the 29th of March instead of on race day???
After my 5th place getters card had been taken from me 2 hours after the race, it was NEVER replaced with an official “Race Finishers” medal - I received nothing, not even an apology!
Furthermore, “apparently” Ms Serina Ong Chin Im (according to Melody Tan) switched her category BEFORE the event from “E” to “D”….. But I can only presume that there was not time enough for the modern technology machine known as a “Printer” to print a correct Bib for her. – Or possibly they ran out of paper?! Or possibly Ms Serina Ong Chin Im changed her mind AFTER the race once she had seen the results? Unfortunately, the truth on this will remain forever a mystery.
Thankyou to all those people who have encouraged and supported me over the last 48 hours. I really appreciate the comments, text messages, private message and phone calls. At the end of the day, all I ever wish to seek in all matters is the TRUTH. Congratulations to all place getters in all categories and I look forward to meeting again out on the Marathon Race Track in the near future - Happy Running!!!
hey kawan kawan... lets help Taliah to get back her TRUTH.. her real 5th place at Ladies Open D BIB.. The real winner.. pls go to pacesettles page to put the comments there.. tks.. Mr Tey Eng Tiong is helping in the issue too.. cheers...
ReplyDeleteThe TRUTH must prevail
ReplyDelete1) As far as I can remember changing of category is never allowed after registration. In this case if organizer accepted the changes earlier, then the bib should have changed too. As there are sufficient time.
ReplyDeleteIf last minute changes, it would not be fair to runners. Once the precedents set, all runners will ask for changes at last minute. What would happen then is imaginable. However if organizer accepted last minute changes, at least manual change with a marker pen, if without printing machine.
I feel that organizer is quite premature or rather not ethic & misdeed in this case.
2) All runners would like a line front start off but knowing is impossible. It is more appropriate that track race based on gun time whereas road race based on chip time (especially distance race).
I disagree that chip time is for runner's interest only. Chip time is a tracer & much more accurate than the manual gun time. Chip time helping organizer in exposing those culprit that taking short cut.
3) Taken away 5th getter card & not replace by finisher medal. Hahaha .... organizer is dreaming. Not fix to be organizer. Thumb down.
4) Khir Salleh came in 1st but was given 3rd getter card. When brought up to the crew, he was told to wait for them to check chip time. Crews & organizer who confuse on 123 & DEF ... this is laughing stock in the race. "Fool race"
Thanks James for your comment
ReplyDeleteJust wonder how was it feasible for the organisers to allow changing of category at race day when it started at 5:30am and allowing participant concerned wearing the old bib no., what a fiasco!
(Gun Time is not manual, it is the chip time PLUS the time difference between 'Bang of Gun' and the runner steps on the Start line.)
The IAAF Road Race Regulation 2009 did mention that Gun Time is the official time which decides positions n prize winners BUT in the 2010 n 2011 editions, this clause is omitted. If Gun time is the basis, then organisers should announce in the race info.
I personally am in favour of Chip time as basis UNLESS it is race with no Age-Group categories n elite runners are assured of front line up at the Start n we can see the thrill of competition n cheer for the one who crosses the Finishing line as the winner whose position is ahead of those behind him/her n behind those who were ahead of him/her.