Monday, March 28, 2011

Activity 8/2011 - March 25 - Birthday Party for Manager Andrew Loh

26 March is the birthday of our renowned Manager Andrew Loh and Mei Ling was keen and helpful enough to organise a dinner gathering to celebrate this occasion.
As the Malakoff 26km Run fell on the following day after the birthday, Mei Ling decided to hold the celebration on Friday the 25 at "7 Bistro" at Gurney Plaza thanks to her kind collaboration from Karen Geh who knows the restaurant owner.
More than 40 persons attended this function at 7:30pm and as expected we had an enjoyable party time celebration.

Please click here and click here for photo albums courtesy of Mei Ling
Please click here for a photo album courtesy of Eric Lim
Please click here for a photo album courtesy of Adrian Ho
Please click here for a photo album courtesy of Alen Guai

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