pix courtesy of Chung Mei Ling
The distance of this event was 6.2km for all categories except the Men Open which covered an additional distance of about 2km. This event which took off at 7:30am this morning saw an overwhelming response of about 1200 participants mostly from school children.It was an interesting route including a 1.0km stretch along the beach after 1.2km. The sand was soft n loose which greatly hampered the pace of the runners who had to practically walk besides avoiding the many ropes tied to the many anchoring fishing boats.
The other interesting half of the route consisted of 1-vehicle width (1-way street I suppose) of tar road meandering through a Malay kampung with isolated houses n small fruit/vegetable gardens, runners even passed by a cow-shed with about half a dozen of cows mooing at them!
There was a half km of untarred path.
Well that was an extraordinary experience!! especially for fun explorers......
Our group had 42 entries n had quite an outstanding harvest of top finishers' medals n prizes besides having an outstanding display of happy hours and noise after the finish in the compound, we enjoyed the occasion thanks to William Loh, Andrew Loh, Mei Ling and ALL the participants especially the photographers who help to make this event so memorable, last but not least thanks to PAAA for successfully organising this annual event.
Medal Winners :
Men Open: (8km)
16th - Adrian Ho Seng Yee - 38:09
17th - Wong Jin Ji ------------38:23
Men Junior Veteran : (6km)
3rd - Tan Ah Chin (Ah Soon) - 27:11
6th - Wong Lai Huat ----------- 28:49
11th - Tan Cheng Jin ----------- 29:03
Men Senior Veteran : (6km)
10th - Giam Chong Seng ------- 29:51
11th - Lin Tai San --------------- 29:58
13th - Soon Boon Beng -------- 30:02
Women Open : (6km)
9th - Tan Chai Har ------------- 41:00
11th - Peh Bee Leng ------------ 41:05
13th - Gan Hoay Woon --------- 41:30
Women Veteran : (6km)
3rd - Tan Lee Hooi -------------- 34:23
12th - Chung Mei Ling ----------- 40:30
Click here for a photo album courtesy of Mei Ling
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