What : Penang Merdeka Fun Run 2010
Organised by : Belleview Group, Prangin Mall JMB, Prangin Mall Merchants Association, and PDC Setia Urus,
When : 30 August 7:00pm to 12:00 midnight, Flag-off at 10:00pm
Where : Lebuh Lintang between Prangin Mall n 1st Avenue Mall
Distance : 2.5km
This was one of the events held in the state in conjunction with the Merdeka celebrations. More than 50 runners from our Group participated in this event which coincidentally also set an ideal occasion to hold birthday celebrations for SK and Jen whose birthdays fall on Merdeka Day.
By 6:30pm Cupido Kelvin, Adrian Ho, James Lee and later Jen were kind enough to give their helping hands to collect the T-shirts for all the participants at the Start, our thanks to them. This event must be well sponsored as only a token of RM2.00 of registration fee was collected from each participant.
I arrived at the Start at 8:30pm but there was already a carnival atmosphere with noises, photo taking sessions and loud music played over the speakers on a specially built stage. The run was scheduled to start at 10:00pm and 10m minutes before that the organisers did a perfect arrangement by having a warming up dance-exercise performance led by 3 instructors on stage with hot music and the crowd enjoyed it.
The race was horned off sharply at 10:00pm by YB Tuan Ng Wei Aik in the direction of Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong, Lebuh Carnovan, Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, Lebuh Chulia, Penang Road, Jalan Dr Lim Chwee Leong, Jalan Ria, Lebuh Lintang for a distance of 2.5km. It was an unique fun run under street lights and moon light with most runners holding a Merdeka flag each and we could hear some shouts of "Merdeka", "Merdeka" along the streets.
Upon arrival at the Finish it was the climax of the carnival with cultural dances and performances by various ethnic groups followed by lucky draw prize presentations of very attractive including sports bicycles and hampers
Meanwhile our Group had our birthday celebrations for SK and Jen and thanks to MLing who prepared a yummy Merdeka cake to bring this occasion more joy.
Wish to express our thanks and appreciations to all those who had contributed their kind assistance in the participation of this event, especially to Andrew, Jin, MLing, Gan and to our photographers Adrain, Leng Hin, SK and all others
Our runners were surprised that prizes were in fact awarded to the top 5 finishers when the announcement made by the MCee was that all prizes were allocated for lucky draws only, anyway this event was well organised and we thank the organisers.
click here for an album of photos courtesy of Mei Ling
click here for an album of photos courtesy of Adrian Ho